On Tuesday the 29th September we celebrated 50 years since Cec and Claire registered the business “Eichler Earthmovers” and what a 50 years it has been!
We had a small celebration on the night with current staff, we enjoyed a smoked pork cooked by the very own boss man Shane and spoke to Kerry about her earliest memories of the business. Kerry has fondly told me of making a low loader trailer on one of the trucks being her, and her friends’ runway and putting on fashion shows. Our office administrator, Rachel grew up with Shane and Kerry’s daughters and fondly remembers playing hide and seek in the yard, hiding behind piles of rubble or in a pipe, and jumping into huge ponds of water that would collect around the yard when there was rain.
In February Shane celebrates 30 years since starting as part of the team here at Eichlers, I asked Shane what he is most proud of with the business he has been such a huge part of making it is what it is today, he spoke of being able to sustain growth of the business and providing a quality fleet of equipment along with retention of experienced staff.
Due to the ever-changing world we are living in, in 2020 with COVID restrictions it was decided to hold off on our large celebration to February 2021 to coincide with Shane’s 30-year service celebrations!
The Murray Valley Standard did a (HUGE – 9 pages!) feature to celebrate the massive milestone, which we have included below along with some photos from our celebration. Steve Mattner, our longest serving staff member was kind enough to organise a present from all the staff and it was presented to Shane and Kerry on the night, it is now proudly sitting in our office for all to enjoy!
Thank-you to everyone, past and present staff, customers, sub-contractors, and suppliers for making Eichler Earthmovers what it is today. There would be 1,000’s of people that at some stage in the last 50 years has been involved one way or another, and today – we thank you.
We put together a video in celebration!